
The Chronicles of the white terrorist and the pirate converted into a frozen inuit

Maru tan linda como siempre, saco de su baul canadiense diversos artefactos con el proposito de disfrazarnos para tener una velada totalmente educativa frente a la camara, mientras esperabamos que algun coreano (o chino cochino como prefieran) llegara a la casa y nos donara temporalmente una coca cola de su despensa equipada.
En vista de que mi maleta estaba extraviada, la niña Meiru creo al perfecto personaje villano que rescataria mis pertenencias, incendiaria el aeropuerto junto con la aerolinea infernal, y tendria como rehen al buen Philip, the nice old man at the front desk.... yeah: THE WHITE TERRORIST (i just want peace!). Pero necesitaba un compañero de ataque, y por supuesto un pirata completaria al duo, asi es que teteando durante largos minutos, nos transformamos y sentimos por primera vez que teniamos el control de la situacion, que en cualquier momento tocarian a la puerta y me entregarian 75dolares y mi maletota, por lo que la violencia no iba a ser necesaria. Pero OBVIAMENTE no sucedio eso, pero lo que si sucedio fue la llamada telefonica de la pirata para mentarle la madre al señor telefonista de Delta, que por cierto tenia el peor acento, su ingles era demasiado arabe-style para lo que un pirata inculto puede procesar.

Finalmente tras la recuperacion del luggage (o baggage, o como quieran decirle), un tour citadino podria revivir el animo de la pareja indestructible, asi es que congelarse las extremidades, la nariz, y la casi-hipotermia-maldita podrian ser una aventura mas productiva de lo que podiamos imaginar...

And for the international crew, yeah people! I uploaded some videos of our lifestyle and cooking experiences. The first one is from the great korean boy, im talking about Tony!!!!! the guy who saved my life and also maru's by making a donation, his last coke.... and of course he enjoyed his party at the house, invited all his classmates and prepared a brazilian food for all of them (and for the white terrorist and the inuit too). But, well, they overcooked it, so the beans were really a disaster (but shhhhh!!).

The second video is me trying to cook something original for the starving ones, cuz it seemed like we were nearly sick from inanition (haha exaggerating), so i went to the supermarket and brought loads of food, cuz that night, me, the food experimenter was about to prepare a special dinner for my lil friend Meiru, such as chicken breasts in 3 cheese sauce, ravioli with tomato sauce and mash potatoes
. It was a hit, yes poperos, i made it! Successfully i achieved the title of master non-overcooker chef, well, kind of. And if they ate it, must mean it was good, right? Anyway, it might look ugly to the camera, but trust me, that was an amazing tastefully food dudes!

And finally, the next video is Mika (i'll write it like the singer's name), the french PLAYER, complaining and saying that we didn't invite him to our gala dinner, but we thought he was sleeping or that he was getting drunk as usual at the starbucks hahahaha (im joking); Noemi, from Germany, also appears in the video eating and listening to our nonsense talk, probably thinking to herself that in fact, he is such a player. Hahahaha well, yes, eventually, he ate my food creation and he said he like it, so i'm just gonna believe him.

That would be all for today... and feel sad for leaving that crazy house, specially miss my polish boyfriend Vitold, yeah mate, he was a handsome landlord; guys say hello and tell him i owe him thousands of dollars for his hospitality hahahahaha, also tell the koreans that we all know they're not housekeepers, but please stop burning the saucepans with soya!!


bye bye you all y a los demas poperos, felices fiestas navideñas y proximamente de año nuevo, mas tours e historias bizarras despues de los cortes comerciales.....................

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